Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Memory

It is odd some of the things I think about or remember while I am doing my daily exercise routine. Recently I recalled a morning that I thought Tim had not heard his alarm and was late getting up. I went to his door which was slightly ajar and lightly pushed it open. There was Tim kneeling beside his bed in prayer. Awe filled me. My son had rolled out of bed on his knees. I don't know what made me recall that moment, but those same feelings filled me as I walked home. Even now, sharing that quiet moment with you, it is the same. So what does it mean? I could say what a good boy I have or I am so proud of him (all of which are true) but I think the memory filled my mind for a greater purpose. It reminded me to humbly kneel before my day begins, to open my heart to be taught and inspired. It reminded me that I am not alone and I needed to put away my pride and "I can do it on my own" mentality. This is something I've personally struggled with my whole life. Prayer for me has been the last resort rather than the first line of defense. I think life does that to us. There is school and children and jobs and worries and any number of other perplexing thoughts that control our day. We plod along until wham bang!!!! something humbles us and we remember to turn to God once more.
We may not be able to roll out of bed on our knees. It may take all we have just to get out of bed, get dressed. You might have to start as you open your eyes. "O.K. Heavenly Father, the day begins. I love you. Will you bless me today?"  Don't have time then? There is always the shower or the drive to school or any number of times throughout the day to "roll out of bed" and humbly pray. My desire is to begin my day with prayer. I invite you to do the same.
         Follow this scripture chain which reminds us what we must do and what we will recieve when we pray. Before you begin ask, "Am I unbelieving when I read?
3 Nephi 11:5
D&C 136:32
D&C 32:4
Mosiah 26:3
John 14:26


One Liners

To continue the series I decided to post a few simple truths that I was reminded of. One liners to be exact. Some are short, some are not. G...